Best Low-Budget Salty & Sweet

posted in: Ruminations | 3


I tried balancing cold semi-sweet chocolate morsels on a salty cracker and was rewarded with the perfect quench for my salty/sweet craving.  Cost calculator?  Both items were free thanks to my roommate and the gratuitous back of the freezer.  (Health factor = bad.)

Conversation with self:
-Which do you prefer, salty or sweet? For instance, if you had to choose one over the other to eat for the rest of your life?
-Salty, probably.
-Well in that case, how come when luck goes your way you don’t exclaim, “Saaalty!!”
-I don’t know. Should I?

3 Responses

  1. Yvo

    HAHAHAHAHAHAh that is an awesome conversation!!!!
    (I prefer salty as well)

  2. michael

    1 small handful M&M’s + 1 Snyders big-ass super-hard sourdough pretzel= Awesome.

    And, yes, me too… salty.

  3. Cd2926



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